SÁBADO 26/08/2023

5 Rounds
- 2’30”/Round

9 Deadlift 225/155lbs
9 Ring Dips
12 Ring Row

2 Rounds or 12’
500mts Row
400mts RUN
100 Double Unders or 150 Single Unders

SEXTA-FEIRA 25/08/2023

“DUPLAS” (Time Cap 30’)
- On/Off

10 Rounds (Cada Um)
10 Goblet Step Up 24/16kg (Cada Round 1 Perna)
5 Hang Power Clean 135/95lbs
10 Wall Ball 20/14lbs

QUINTA-FEIRA 24/08/2023

AMRAP in 20’
8 Toe to Bar
4 Power Snatch 95/65lbs
12 Box Jump 24/20in

QUARTA-FEIRA 23/08/2023

6 Rounds
5 Back Squat 185/135lbs
15 Calories Row
15 Hand Release Push Up

TERÇA-FEIRA 22/08/2023

Time Cap TOTAL 35’

10 Rounds
15 Russian Kettlebell Swing 24/16kg
30 Double Unders

150 Air Squat
100 Sit Up
50 Burpees

SEGUNDA-FEIRA 21/08/2023

AMRAP in 30’
5 Strict Pull Up
5/5 Single Arm Kettlebell Push Press 16/08kg
10 Sumô Deadlift High Pull 75/55lbs
10 Box Dips
15/15 Elevated Split Squat (45lbs Plate)

SÁBADO 12/08/2023

EMOM 18’
- 05 Strict Handstand Push Up
- 10 Deadlift 185/135lbs
- 15 One Arm Front Rack Kettlebell Split Squat 24/16kg

SEXTA-FEIRA 11/08/2023

5 Rounds
- 4’/Round
05 Back Squat 185/135lbs
10 Burpees
50 Double Unders or 75 Single Unders

QUINTA-FEIRA 10/08/2023

AMRAP in 12’
40 Rower Sit Up
30 American Kettlebell Swing 24/16kg
20 Handstand Walk Drill

- 3 Rounds Cada Um
- 2’/Round
- Time Cap Total 12’

Cada Round
15 Goblet Squat 24/16kg
Row - Tempo Residual

QUARTA-FEIRA 09/08/2023

AMRAP in 15’
3 Strict Pull Up
4 Super Slow Push Up (10”/Rep)
5 Power Clean 95/65lbs
6 Push Press 95/65lbs

TERÇA-FEIRA 08/08/2023

AMRAP in 20’
06 Ring Dips
09 KB Goblet Step Up 24/16kg (Cada Round 1 Perna)
12 Alternate V Up

SEGUNDA-FEIRA 07/08/2023

3 EMOM 10’, REST 1’
(Time Cap 32’)
- 05 Power Snatch 75/55lbs
- 10 Wall Ball 20/14lbs

SÁBADO 29/07/2023

5 Rounds
400mts Run
09 Back Squat 185/135lbs
03 Rope Climb

SEXTA-FEIRA 28/07/2023

5 Rounds
- 3’ Round

24 Goblet Split Squat 24/16kg
- 12 Cada Perna

12 Ring Row
- Avançados: Apoiar Pé no Caixote

06 Push Press 115/75lbs

QUINTA-FEIRA 27/07/2023

AMRAP in 25’
05 Chest to Bar Pull Up
10 Burpees
15 Jump Jack Squat
20 Sit Up
25 Double Unders

Jump Jack Squat
- Usar Step ou Anilha

QUARTA-FEIRA 26/07/2023

EMOM 30’
- 06 Hang Power Snatch 95/65lbs
- 09 Strict Ring Dips
- 12 KB Step Up 24/16kg

Kettlebell Step
- Cada Round 1 Perna
- Altura (90° Flexão de Joelho)

TERÇA-FEIRA 25/07/2023

AMRAP in 20’
05 Hang Squat Clean 135/95lbs
15 Wall Ball 20/14lbs
20 Cal Row

SEGUNDA-FEIRA 24/07/2023

AMRAP in 10’
04 Strict Toe to Bar
06 Roll Up
08 Push Up Mountain Climber

EMOM 18’
- 15 Single Leg Floor Hip Thrust
- 09 Deadlift 185/135lbs
- 12 Box Jump 24/20in